New office building of Chongqing Land Properties Group
Project Name: New office building of Chongqing Land Properties Group
Location: Chongqing, China
Time: 2009
Project leaders: Cui Kai ,Yu Haiwei
Staff (design): Shi Lu, Liu Yan, Xie Yue, Pan Tianyou
Partner Practice: Cui Kai Studio
Client: Chongqing Land Properties Group
Area: 89,420 m²
The new office building of Chongqing Land Properties Group locates in the north of Xingai Road of Yubei District in Chongqing. The project aims to represent the corporate brand image, enhance the Group's operating efficiency and make international office of top quality and service. The project emphasizes on the quality and character of the building, representing the architectural ecology and the detail of intelligent and human service.
The design is inspired from the Wuxing, the traditional Chinese five elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. In touch with the features of the mountain city Chongqing, the local architecture type, the passionate urban character and besides the brand image of the Chongqing Land Properties Group, a special concept: “building a mountain, constructing a city" is showed out, which also makes us to think the relationship of human, architecture, city and nature.
A three-dimensional green design is used as environmental landscape, in which outdoor platforms at different elevation levels are built.