Tsinghua University Site A
Location: Beijing, China
Comptition: 2011
Project leaders: Yu Haiwei
Staff (design): Shi Lu, Liu Yan, Zhu Qipeng, Niu Tao, Wei Wei
Client: Tsinghua University
Area: 35420m²
During the last decade, Tsinghua University developed gradually. The campus changes appearance constantly. According to the latest planning, a new civil engineering and a new humanity & social sciences’ building will be built.
Civil engineering building:
The most serious problem we face is that the limitation of the site dimension. To dealing with this, we creatively insert the education space into the middle space between dynamic lab and the truss. By doing this, a large number of southern spaces and elegant roof garden are created, forming a comfortable circumstance. Original Material Yards are retained, moving under the ground. Not only decrease the interference to teaching environment, but also adding an excellent exhibition space for the experiments. Thus, the sequence of Material Yards, large laboratory, faculty offices, students working, and discussion room is ordered from the bottom up. Faculty, students and experiment spaces then connect together.
We turned the south hall into the soul space, which including entrance hall, exhibition center and Auditorium. The south part of the south experimental hall is shared by both the old and new civil engineering building. Here the old equipments and wall became rare exhibits. The north part is used for a 300 m2 lecture hall, next to the most advanced university structure lab. Imaging that while people are making intense discussion in the auditorium, the busy scene in the laboratory will be presented as their background.
Humanity & social sciences’ building:
We posit World peace Forum into the west end of the humanity building. A space system named humanity corridor connects it with the entrance space. The 2.5m wide passage provides a comfort space for talking and relaxing. We separate it from the education spaces, guarantee the independent use of the World peace Forum and reduce interruptions from visitors. The southwest of the site is the west entrance of the new humanity building. We hang the lecture hall named Xingtan(杏坛) into the open space, coherent with the world peace BBS on top. This place will be used as both the independent lecture hall and the open lecture for all surroundings.
In the design layout, in order to make humanity library obviously, we open the southwest end of the land. Shaping an integrate outside and a mobility inside. Here, different subject is located together. Humanity building and humanity library; civil engineering building and Heshanheng building form internal relationship.