Jilin Provincial Military Region District New Office Building

Project Name: Jilin Provincial Military Region District New Office Building
Location: Changchun, China
Time: 2004
Project leaders: Yu Haiwei
Staff (design): Zhou Yu, Chen Ning
Partner Practice: Institute of Architectural Design of HIT
Client: Jilin Provincial Military Region District
42,948 m²

Jilin Provincial Military Region District New Office Building completed in October 2005. The project locates in Grand Century Place in Changchun City, Jilin Province, with a total area of 20.3 hectares, floor area of 51,284 square meters. The building contains principal organ office building, logistics integrated security rooms, immediate communication rooms and dormitory. Decentralized ancillary functions are arranged in west and east sides of the main office building together in U-shape. Colonnades link the buildings to form enclosing trend. In façade design, the shape of cornices is emphasize absorbing, refining and integrating the essence of classical architecture in the East and West, to show the unique character of masculine military buildings. After completion, this project was rated highly by clients and got first prize by the army high-quality project.

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